Hallmark The Golden Girls Glasses, Set of 4

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Show off your love for "The Golden Girls" with these fun drinking glasses that are perfect for any fan of the classic, laugh-filled television show. Each tumbler features illustrations of Rose, Dorothy, Blanche and Sophia paired with colorful designs and quotes inspired by this beloved sitcom. Perfect for filling with Sicilian wine or Florida orange juice to wash down a slice of cheesecake.
  • The Golden Girls set of 4 drinking glasses features colorful character illustrations of Rose, Dorothy, Blanche and Sophia paired with fun quotes inspired by the hit television sitcom.
  • On glasses: (Dorothy) Age is just a state of mind.
    (Sophia) Picture it: Sicily.
    (Rose) The older you get, the better you get. Unless you're a banana.
    (Blanche) Day after day, I just get more fabulous!
  • Hand wash only.
  • Each glass: Holds 13.5 oz.; 2.6" W x 6" H x 2.6" D